The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80995   Message #1490319
Posted By: Bobert
21-May-05 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Livin' with Black Bears Question....
Subject: RE: BS: Livin' with Black Bears Question....
Well, well, well....

A 900 pound black bear? Heck, I bet the piccure of it weighed in at over 10 pounds...

Aww, jus' funnin'.... Hmmmmm?

Hey, that's a purdy danged big bear.... But if I run into one that big the last thing that bear will remember is the sound of me chamberin' a load of 4 shot in the 12 guage.... He gonna be a danged rug....

Ahhhhhh, now I got a question fir all you beariers, ahhhh, bear folk (no not nude) 'er whatever folks that know 'bout these critters... So hear goes. We all that a bear poop in the woods, right... But, ahhhh, like what is bear poop like? No, gol dangit, I din't mean like to play with 'er injest... I mean, what do it look like 'cause when we was down (up) in Pine Grove (Luray) today takin' another load o' stuff we come 'cross where somethin' had tore open a bag o' ProMix we had and half ruined it... So the P-Vine says to me "Go ask yer beariers, 'er bear folks (no, not nude) 'er__________ what does bear poop look like."

So Iz askin.

What does bear poop look like?

(Ya know, Bobert, this question IS gonna come back to haunt ya....)

