The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81342   Message #1490769
Posted By: khandu
22-May-05 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Advice Sought -How to Hijack a Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Advice Sought -How to Hijack a Thread
Maenwhile, Mr. Knowlingly, I have googled "Chester haunts my still" & "Lester taunts me still" & have found nothing!!

Of course, I know of the Morris Brothers, but there seems to be no record of their doing either of these songs.

Either you have presented us with a wonderful but bogus tale, or you are the only one we know of that has any info regarding these songs.

Your story about Ball & Dowell sounds to true to have been made up, so I am going on the assumption that you are not pulling legs here.

You said you would share the info concerning the killing of Lester if any are interested. I am.

So do tell!
