The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81351   Message #1490852
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
22-May-05 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nautical PCness...well blow me down...
Subject: RE: BS: Nautical PCness...well blow me down...
More nautical PC-ness, a re-enactment except we must not mention the French. I guess they will be the 'Sacre Bleu' forces.

Trafalgar without the French
(Filed: 23/05/2005)

Plans to mark Nelson's victory at Trafalgar with a re-enactment which does not mention the French were attacked by an MP yesterday.

A "Napoleonic sea battle" will be staged off Southsea as part of the 200th anniversary celebrations of Britain's defeat of the Franco-Spanish fleet in 1805. But the spectacular son et lumiere show will feature just a "Red Fleet" and a "Blue Fleet".

Mike Hancock, the Lib Dem MP for Portsmouth South, said the decision to protect the feelings of French guests, by not making it explicit which nations fought the battle in which Admiral Lord Nelson was killed, was "absolute twaddle".

He added: "If we are going to re-enact it we should do it properly. I am sure the French do not pull any punches when they celebrate Napoleon's victories."

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "This is a piece of theatre and not supposed to be historically accurate."

The re-enactment will be on June 28 following an international fleet review attended by the Queen.