The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80995   Message #1491030
Posted By: Boab
23-May-05 - 02:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Livin' with Black Bears Question....
Subject: RE: BS: Livin' with Black Bears Question....
Black bears are so common in our yard that it pays to watch where you put your feet! Had one little black guy trying to open our steel garbage can, while his Ma watched from about five yards out. I "shoo-ed" the cheeky wee bugger back from the trash can, and stood there to discourage it from returning.It regarded me for a scant five seconds, decided I was harmless, and joined me on the opposite side of the trash can! Ma bear, meanwhile, decided to move on down hill, and turned and ambled off. The wee fella decided that he'd better follow Ma, and off he went. The pair stopped at the foot of the short downhill, and stood looking at me. I did the recommended war dance [whoops included] which they seemed to regard as the afternoon's entertainment. Then I made a mistake. I gathered a handful of gravel from the drive way, and heaved it at them. Baby bear was up the nearest tree pronto, and Mama bear began galloping in circles, growling and headshaking. Shit! She didn't like me at all! Luckily, the car was parked close by, and I was into the front seat like a shot. Now, I was aware that this sow had started out with TWO cubs, but had lost one to a speeding car on the highway. I started the engine, and belted out some horn blasts. Wee bear was down in a flash, and the pair of them hightailed it [and believe me, they CAN move very fast] down into the bush.
They'll tell you that most black bear sows aren't inclined to attack, not even to protect their offspring. DON'T COUNT ON IT!