The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81446   Message #1491435
Posted By: Lester
23-May-05 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mill Girls Lullaby (Gary and Vera Aspey)
Subject: Lyr Add: MILL GIRLS LULLABY (Gary and Vera Aspey)
The Sainted Mrs Bailey wishes to learn the Mill Girl's Lament that we have on a Gary and Vera Aspey LP and we have sorted out all the words except one line. Can anyone help?


Close your eyes, me weary Brid ?
Lay down your bonny head
Your Mammy's up at crack of dawn
To go to work in't shed

Now go to sleep, me litle bairn
Hush, love, lie thee still
Thee Mam'll come tomorrow neet
When she comes home from t'mill

Your Mam has got to go to work
To earn herself a bit o' brass
But I'll see thee tomorrow neet
So sleep, me bonny las

When tha gets up tomorrow morn
Be sure tha makes thy clogs to shine
I've left thee porridge on't fire hob
And ???????????????????????????????

Be good at school and do thee sums
And don't you play in all the muck
But come straight home at th'afternoon
And don't go near yon brook

So go to sleep and greet no more
It's been a very lonely day
But don't thee fret, me little Brid ?
I'll play with thee on Sunday
