The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81229   Message #1492557
Posted By: Kaleea
25-May-05 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: The piano man.
Subject: RE: BS: The piano man.
Geez, I cut all the tags out of my clothes cause they give me a rash on the back of my neck! Looks as if all the speculating has not yet been conclusive. He very well may be someone who needs help-one way or the other. I, for one, will stay "tuned."
    Meanwhile, there's a great idea for a movie of the week. Or maybe I'll die my gray hair much darker, pick out some artsy looking clothes from my closet, & plop myself down in some wonderful country where wars & economic disasters haven't taken over & OH YEAH--I can get the medical coverage I so desperately need!