The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16125   Message #149456
Posted By: Marymac90
14-Dec-99 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: Faster Download
Subject: RE: Faster Download
Dear folks, I have recently begun lurking around the mudcat, YEARS after Susan gave me the URL, when I saw her at a getaway. Now I'm trying to make up for lost time, but I have a problem.

Can ANYTHING make my antique Mac any faster? I have an LC520, with a 7.something OS. As you can see I'm a REAL techie! I have AOL, with no other browser, and it is INCREDIBLY s l o w . I wear my finger out trying to scroll down a thread, which makes my carpal tunnel act up.

If either of the things mentioned above would help me, where do I get 'em? Is there some way to use the technology built into the mudcat to read through recent additions to the forum more quickly? I would really appreciate anything helpful anybody might offer.

Best wishes, Mary McCaffrey