The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15909   Message #149524
Posted By: Mick Lowe
14-Dec-99 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: Calling All Smart Arses
Subject: RE: Calling All Smart Arses
Thanks Mary
Having just re-read my last thread, I notice one major dose of typos and sticky keyboard..
It's perhaps best just to ignore it completely.. apart from the Peter Green bit, which is still a great pity..
I'm suspecting that the majority of people who currently frequent the mudcat are too young to remember Fleetwood Mac prior to them becoming a "pop" group.. or indeed when Christine McVie.. nee Perfect , sang with Chicken Shack.. the good old days.. I remember seeing both at Cleo's in Derby .. price of admission about 2 quid.. those were the days..
And by the way, the "help" seems to have dried up as of late.. this is your chance to be immortalised on the Prof's Pages..