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Thread #79645   Message #1495399
Posted By: GUEST,
29-May-05 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's scam the Nigerians
Subject: RE: BS: Let's scam the Nigerians
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dear Lilian Zuma
I think we have alot in common, I have a offer proposition to you too, you see my grandfather just passed away and we were a family of 10 always poor and never had much, yes we finally got word from his lawyer that in his will he is left us a outhouse that can be found in the center of a mountain in the hills of Kentucky, now I know Lilian Zuma this priceless outhouse is needing to be recaptured since the general of the rebel army is not going to give this up to us. I hope that you can find time in your inquiries to help us in this matter, yes with something this priceless I think that you will admit that its worth coming all the way over here to get a good look at, you can't ask for a better crapper, its been a heirloom in are family since the days since my grandfather first struck oil in the hills of Kentucky. Now Lilian Zuma I hope you will help us in this matter, with all consideration we will share half this outhouse with you and I know that you will see that its a genuine gem priceless even when you sitdown in it you will know how precious it is. My grandfather said what a relief everytime he open the door and when he left the aroma could be filled throughout the hills of kentucky, yes Lilian Zuma that outhouse made the enemies run in every direction. My grandfather said because of this outhouse it kept everyone happy and always at peace.

Now Lilian Zuma I hope you can start a genuine contract with us and be the half owner of a priceless outhouse, yes wont your people be happy knowing that your money was invested in such a piece of art, now please don't tell anyone about this, for I know we can find peace and relief if you find this business offer worth your struggles.

Sincerly your's
General John D Crapper

lilian zuma wrote:
From: Mrs. Lilian Zuma
Fax: +27-11-507-6032

Dear sir,

How are you today? i hope all is well with you.

I do understand the concern this letter will bring to you for the fact
that it comes from someone strange to you. But be rest assured for it
come with good intentions. How ever, as I was going on research,
for responsible and trustworthy someone who can help and assist me in
this business/transferring some fund out from South Africa into his
personal or company account overseas.

I am Mrs. Lilian Zuma the wife of late Mr. Andrew Zuma from Zimbabwe.
husband was among the rich black farmers murdered in cold blood in
Zimbabwe by war veterans of President ROBERT MUGABE. However, the
farmers killed in Zimbabwe over the new land act introduced by
president do not give any concern.

My main aim of contacting you is to assist me in transferring the sum
$12,000,000 (Twelve million US Dollars )Into your nominated oversea
account, this money was given to my husband by president Mugabe when
were still in good terms for investment purposes.
My husband deposited this money in a security company in Johannesburg
here in South Africa as if he foresaw the looming blow of his death.
late husband deposited the said funds as family treasure in order to
avoid seizure since South Africa, have almost the same land laws with
Zimbabwe presently.

I am residing in South Africa with my son as asylum seekers, based on
our present status we are deprived of some financial rights of banking
activities. Moreover, this money is the only thing my late husband left
for us as such the entire life of my family depends on this money
coupled with the responsibilities rested on me, I will be willing to go
partnership on any lucrative business you will suggest in your country.

Out of my own good wile, I have decided to give you 30% of the total
money, 70% will be for me and my family, which will also be invested in
your country for the future investment of my family. I will like you to
contact me, via the above fax in case my proposals arouses your
interest or if not, please do keep it confidential. I hope to hear from
you as
soon as possible.

Best regards,
Lilian Zuma