The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81610   Message #1496424
Posted By: Once Famous
30-May-05 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Are Threads Gettin' Highjacked???
Subject: RE: BS: Why Are Threads Gettin' Highjacked???
I think the moderators do a fine job.

I know where I have been deleted and usually know when I have crossed that line.

It is absolutely refreshing to me to see that I can no longer claim a double standard. I rejoice in the deleted posts of some of the morons who deserved it.

My hat is off to thye clones who do the best job they can here. This is a pretty good forum to say what you want to say.

bobert, if you want to spend every post ripping this country and government, I guess you are going to have to reralize that there will always be at least one voice telling you that you are full of crap for doing so.

I am not obligated to tell you why, though. Just that you are.

And I will.