The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81625   Message #1496769
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-May-05 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: British Nazi Party ((BNP))
Subject: RE: BS: British Nazi Party ((BNP))
I don't object to you opposing Nazis if you want to, Bruce. But how do you intend TO oppose them? That's the question. What does it involve? Do you intend to deny them the right to have and express an unpopular opinion in public? If so, remember that that is what the Nazis themselves did to many, many people when they were taking over in Germany. They burned books and beat people up and smashed their businesses and suppressed freedom of speech and killed people.

Remember what Lao-Tse said? "By opposing an 'enemy' you give him strength." (that was not a military statement intended for the battlefield, of course, it was a psychological statement. It meant: by harbouring hostility against others and expressing it frequently and viscerally you prompt those others into counter-hostility and paranoia of an extreme sort...thus making them stronger in their basic hostility...and MUCH more dangerous.)


GUEST - Yes, well, I would defend myself against your scurrillous and amusing attempts to defame my internet character, but my character needs no such defence. I am not your enemy and you are not really mine either. You're just a bit confused, because you're not used to thinking "outside the box". You like to hold ancient grudges. That's your problem, not mine. If you heard some of my protest songs, you would love me. (grin)