The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81644   Message #1498073
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
02-Jun-05 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Geldolf on another ego trip
Subject: RE: BS: Geldolf on another ego trip
I suppose its all about getting old and cynical when you get down to it, or old and something.

When I was a kid, the tories had been in charge right throughout the 1950's. I think everybody looked forward to the 1964 labour government with something approaching idealism. '13 years of tory misrule' was the catchphrase of the time.

Round about that time a book came out by Humphrey House about Charles Dickens and his views on society. the book explained that Dickens profoundly hated politicians and said all the world's problems could be solved if we just acted a little more decently towards each other.

in the political climate of 1961, it seemed hopelessly naive - we were all looking to the Labour party to start a new age when things would get better - a bright new dawn.

Nearly 50 years on, I think Dickens had it about right. All that needs to happen is that we start behaving ourselves. A sea change from within.

best of luck to the next generation, we didn't sort it all out.