The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81644   Message #1498312
Posted By: GUEST,Sidewinder.
02-Jun-05 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Geldolf on another ego trip
Subject: RE: BS: Geldolf on another ego trip
How anyone can knock Saint Bob is beyond me. A truly altruistic individual who stands up for the oppressed and downtrodden and raises millions of pounds in aid of a dying Continent. Also, he makes couch potatoes all over the world look up from their TV Dinners and confront the harsh realities of our modern existence and feel very real emotions beyond the realms of their daily routine.If you have to knock anyone I would profer the following;

1) -Politicians who throw money at these Third World Countries in the hope of controlling any future trade or political advantage in the full knowledge that they can bleed the country dry for decades.

2)- Hasbeen Rockstars who get involved in the "opening of a fridge door" merely as a way of increasing their waining profile and milking publicity and after event music/dvd/future activities sales.Now there is "morally reprehensible" for you.

3)- Multimillionaire Promoters/Executives etc. who ask hard working decent people to dig out the change from their sofas and go without staples for a week and send the money in to help the less fortunate. When those bas***ds drive around in £100,000 cars and use £500 aftershave and eat in the best restaurants and spend more on grooming themselves a week than their victims spend on surviving for a year.

I find it very difficult to get excited about the Spice Girls reuniting to save the 3rd World and then being offered zillions to go on world tours and taking on the mantle of Mother Teresa in Fellinis' "Satyricon" i.e. the perception of love and virtue married with the debauched and self serving nihilistic paradigm. However, as always, it falls to the masses to decide whether, or not, to march on the corridors of power or merely wait to buy the Deluxe DVD Edition with added Virtual Extras.

