The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81644   Message #1498362
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
02-Jun-05 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Geldolf on another ego trip
Subject: RE: BS: Geldolf on another ego trip
I think the point you made is a good one Ake. They don't need money so much as the chance to build a stable economy for themselves.

What better way to give them that chance, than to cancel the debts, the interest on which is keeping them too poor to do that.

IMHO that is Bob Geldof's point, and I hope he will find some at G8 prepared to consider it.

Remember that those loans were not altruistic charitable donations, but were made with an eye to the main chance, and that is also the reason for the credit card debt in Britain. They expect to gain, Bigtime, from throwing moiney at people who can't really afford it.

Don T.