The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81607   Message #1498445
Posted By: Dave'sWife
02-Jun-05 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't let her get away !
Subject: RE: BS: Don't let her get away !
Even funnier is this:

>>>This amazing invention, based on years of research, is available to you for as low as $99.99! We have several models to choose from, based on your taste, needs and budget...........Due to overwhelming demand, the panties have SOLD OUT. We will have new stock during the next 30 days. If you would like to be notified when the panties have been re-stocked, please email Thank you for your interest in this revolutionary new product.<<<

Set of 7 Basics (1/day): $650.00

They're not unnatractive. However, I'd be very suspicious if my husband, who is not davetnova, brought me home a package of seven, sensible-looking and comfortable cotton panties as a gift! Itchy, black lacy nylon panties designed to be worn for maybe 10 minutes.. no problem... white cotton - I'd be asking questions.