The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75025   Message #1498752
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jun-05 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Diebold's Vote-Rigging Feature
Subject: RE: BS: Diebold's Vote-Rigging Feature
Well, wel, well....

Like I said back before the election, Kerry would need at least 52% of the vote in order to not have the election stolen... Hmmmmm? According to exit polls he got about 51%.... Wxit polls have been right on ever since they have been used but some how, with Doebold firmly in Bush's corner, they didn't hold up????


Well, if there's one thing that Bush and his folks are darned good at doing it's stealing elections....

Heck, he was due... He had never suceeded at anything in his entire life...

(Well, Bobert, that's ain't exactly so.... He was a darned good womanizer, doper, drunk, no so petty theif in stealing from Harkin Energy...)

Okay, he wasn't a complete failure... Did well as a drunk & stoned crook....
