The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81733   Message #1498940
Posted By: Barry Finn
03-Jun-05 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Liberal 'Twitch' Syndrome! (LTS)
Subject: RE: BS: Liberal 'Twitch' Syndrome! (LTS)
Little Hawk

How do you dare to use another person's disability or impairment & make light of their neurological disorder all in the name of "trying to be funny to prove a point". In the US Tourette Syndrome (not Terret's Syndrom) affects hundreds of thousand & though it is treatable there is no cure. While I don't care one way or another about your political view point as the father of a Touretter I find your analogy most despicable. Kids live this affliction 24/7 & it's a living nightmare for them to have to contend with the bigotry of others whom look down their noses at a kid that truly is locked in daily combat with this syndrome never mind have to constantly spar with the shallow likes of the unaware that discriminate & perpetuate their hell & think nothing of those who live with this & in doing so continue to make their hell all the harder. Ask yourself if you would've made the same statements of those who are sight or hearing impaired, would you make light of way someone walks who has MS. Please the next time you speak or post, think first so your foot doesn't end up in your mouth.
