The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81733   Message #1499191
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Jun-05 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Liberal 'Twitch' Syndrome! (LTS)
Subject: RE: BS: Liberal 'Twitch' Syndrome! (LTS)
You wish. Wouldn't it be wonderful if life was that simple, and everything met your expectations?

Barry - I have plenty of compassion for your child's situation and yours. My joke was in no way intended to ridicule people who suffer from Tourette's Syndrome, it was intended to make fun of people who obsessively-compulsively attack people of an opposing political opinion, and won't stop doing so, and waste a great deal of their lives doing so. The Tourette's reference was simply to help illustrate the behaviour of an "LTS" victim. Period. Is that really so hard to understand? I hope not.

I'm really skinny, Barry. And I'm nearsighted. Do I get infuriated when people talk about skinniness or nearsightedness? No, I do not. I do not even get infuriated when people say that William Shatner is a fat toad with no talent. I only get mildly irritated when people say Bob Dylan can't sing. I recommend not taking EVERYTHING personally, Barry, specially when it was never directed at you or your family in the first place.