The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81607 Message #1499293
Posted By: Dave'sWife
03-Jun-05 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't let her get away !
Subject: RE: BS: Don't let her get away !
ahhh.....I C Now.
Thanks for helping the Intellectually Handicapped. I wasn't paying attention to the first web address and didn't bother clicking on it again - that's what I get for being lazy!
I did look at all the stuff on the actual page suggesting that these panties were made by a Japanese company and found that slightly amiss. I also thought it was a bit of a giveaway that their various shots of the panties for sale in quantity didnt match the model of panty they said it was from the single purchase. Still, I thought it was a wacky enough idea that somebody might take them up on it and create the real thing. You wait... it will out! Homing Device panties are in our future. Well, maybe not in all our futures.. just in the future of tmankind as a productif you catch my meaning. (I'm still gonna be very suspucious if my husband, who is not davetnova, ever brings home sensible knickers as a gift!)
I think the best parodies skirt the edge of reality such as that 'Black people like us' site - that really made me squirm since I know people who say things such as found on that site.
I wish when you clicked on Blickified links, it brough up a new window instead of having us leave the Mudcat.