The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81603   Message #1499295
Posted By: Once Famous
03-Jun-05 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: From Britain With bigtotry Part2
Subject: RE: BS: From Britain With bigtotry Part2
Ron Davies said,

"Don't burn those hamburgers tomorrow "Martin" (for once)."

am I supposed to find this offensive? Is this the best this girlie-man schmuch with a flap over his pussy can do?

BTW, sleepless dad, you are obviously sleepless because of all the amphetimines you pop. the only thing you can't take is when I shoot something truthful at you that bursts your drug induced bubble.

and catsphiddle, your lectures are boring. this is not some politcally correct classroom, thank God.

It's lunch time. I'm going out for a good cheeseburger today. don't gag on your tofu.