The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81607 Message #1499433
Posted By: PoppaGator
03-Jun-05 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't let her get away !
Subject: RE: BS: Don't let her get away !
I figured it out for myself last night. The words "contagiousmedia" do not appear in the "blackpeopleloveuse" URL, but they do appear in the panties-site name, which is where we were starting from anyway. Duh!
For those who haven't already found it and looked it up, the white couple featured in blackpeopleloveus are brother and sister. She's a standup comic in New York, and he is most notable for having instigated, saved, and published a hilarious excahnge of emails with Nike Customer Service that reveals the company's refusal to sell him a pair of made-to-order sneakers with the word "sweatshop" monogrammed onto them. Deatails at (where else?)