The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81179   Message #1499877
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
03-Jun-05 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: African American Secular Folk Songs
Subject: RE: African American Secular Folk Songs
"No regular posters ...acknowledge any African-American descent.."
This brought back memories of a professor of mine in physical anthropology at the University of Texas years ago, when the first African-American was applying to the University Law School. The school was fighting this attempt to break the color barrier at the University.
The professor gave one of his lectures on comparative forensics- an African group that day- then slowly looked around the room, letting his eyes rest on each of us in turn. He turned back to the board, nodding his head and said "yes" before going on with his presentation. A little nervous laughter.

The law applicant succeeded in the Supreme Court in 1950, but his lecturers met him solo, in the oldest building on campus, and he made no visible appearance on the rest of the campus. In other words, segregation continued. The pressure was too much and he failed.
His name was Heman Sweat. I have often wondered what happened to him. Google tells me that the National Bar Assn. gives an award in his name each year, but I have found nothing about his life post his experence at the University.