The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81179   Message #1500108
Posted By: Azizi
04-Jun-05 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: African American Secular Folk Songs
Subject: RE: African American Secular Folk Songs
Further digression:

Thanks for sharing that story, Q.

I was interested in the fact that the African American male who attempted to integrate the university was named "Heman".

There is some folk cultural significance to that name. "Heman" might be an old family name given during or after African American slavery to 'force' others to call the sons "man".

Some African American males are stil given the personal name "Man." However much more frequently nowadays "Man" and "Honeyman" are used asnickname for African American boys. BTW, "Honeyman" has no sexual connotation.

I'm not sure if other races also have this custom.


My daughter is a 2nd grade teacher is a school that is 99.9 African American. One of the boys in her class this year is named "Mister". The boy's mother told her that this was an old family name that was given so White people would be forced to called the male "Mister"
I read somewhere that "Mr. T" {the actor best know for the 1983 TV series "The A Team"} was given his name for that same reason.
{In the bad old days in the Southern part of the United States, Black men were never given the title "Mister" as in Mr Johnson. Instead "Uncle" was used, especially for older Black men, as in those famous Black men "Uncle Tom", "Uncle Remus, and "Uncle Ben".
In the same way "Auntie" or Aunt ____" was used in place of Mrs}.


On the other hand "Heman" could just be a variant form of the Germanic name "Herman" which means "warrior" or Latin "Herminius" which means "High Ranking male".