The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81803 Message #1501180
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Berry Chippenham
06-Jun-05 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: Future of Chippenham FF camp site 3?
Subject: RE: Future of Chippenham FF camp site 3?
Hi All just to let you know that according to the Borough Lands Charity (The Field Owners), the field is on lease to the Town Council. This lease includes the free use for the folk Festival as a camping site each year. The lease runs for another 10 years. We are not expecting any changes to the use of the land (even though the Council would dearly love to do something else with it now all the footvball is being played on Stanley Park!) I think and hope that we would be part of the consultation about any change of use of this area and will follow it up and let you all know if there are to be any major changes! Bob Berry Festival Organiser