The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82056   Message #1502011
Posted By: akenaton
15-Jun-05 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
Subject: RE: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
I posted in defense of Bob Geldof in the other thread,I' going to Gleneagles to protest myself and thought Bob stirring up awareness would be a good thing.

However, the whole event is rapidly becoming a media carnival, with all the politicians trying to get in on the act.   I think Geldof is sincere but the idea of protest as a feel good musical day out is counter productive.

For protest to have any meaning the participants must really care about the issues, and be prepared to give something of themselves in the protest.

The only protests which made the world think about global Capitalism , world poverty and environmental pollution, were Geneva and Seattle Where the protesters refused to be herded like sheep, took their lives in their hands and kicked the political establishment in the balls.
Without these riots, there would be no movement by any Western government in support of Third World aid.

Always remember when politicians start agreeing with your point of're doin something wrong.
In this case they're gatecrashing the party, when they are the biggest part of the problem.....Ake