The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81956   Message #1502063
Posted By: Jeri
15-Jun-05 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: For Real. I quit
Subject: RE: BS: For Real. I quit
Joe, you're screwed. Face it.

Made a boo-boo. Made a worse boo-boo trying to save face. Gonna make a really, really big boo-boo by pretending that last "You're in charge of what your hubby writes here" boo-boo wasn't actually a boo-boo.

You are SO screwed!
I'm sort of OK with that, because I don't think anybody's currently pissed at me, except maybe JtS... but he hasn't written in giant capital red letters at me yet, so I am not totally screwed. You are.