The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82056   Message #1502417
Posted By: The Curator
16-Jun-05 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
Subject: RE: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
I'll pass on your amateur psychology session alanabit, best aimed at brucie, by the sound of it he's more in need of it. Again I state Geldolf is a mouthpiece who can't stand being out of the limelight, so you feel he makes governments change their minds,I somehow doubt it. As to debt relief for certain countries, governments and banks don't write off these debts, tax payers will get the tranfer in the fullness of time, they don't suffer loses. We all know that what money was raised in 1985 by Live Aid has just been a drop in an ocean. The problems lie with the governments of these countries, ever noticed their armed forces are up to date with the latest hardware ? maybe George Bush and Tony could sort this one out.Yes as a collector I do defend ebay. It has made the marketplace for collectors a better place, have you a problem with that ? If so I don't really give a toss.