The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82131   Message #1503489
Posted By: GUEST,Clint Keller
18-Jun-05 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Close Gitmo?
Subject: RE: BS: Close Gitmo?
"As far as the presumption of guilt is concerned, they were caught in the company of known antigonists of this country, and were captured during or directly after attacks on American troops."

That was true of the Germans and Japanese in WWII also. But when "Michael Wiggins, deputy associate Attorney-General, was asked for how long the detainees at Guantanamo, classified as enemy combatants, but not charged with any specific crimes, could be held.
…"It's our position that, legally, they can be held in perpetuity," Mr Wiggins said." (See freda's post.)

That is perposterous, and we didn't do it that way in any previous war that I know of.

Jose Padilla is one American citizen being held without charge. It's been several years now. Jose Padilla may be a traitor and a terrorist. But he was not captured in Afghanistan with a gun in his hand. He was arrested at Chicago O'Hare airport. If Jose Padilla can be held without criminal charges, strictly on the say-so of the President, then any American can be. I don't know who else is being held, but we do know that there are prisoners being held off the books.

Dammit, this nation is supposed to be better than that.

If you want to be called "troll" that's your business. Just deviling you a little bit, as my grandfather would say.
