The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16239   Message #150362
Posted By: Blackcat2
16-Dec-99 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: need info about 'Wrenning'
Subject: need info about 'Wrenning'
Hi there

The Sunday after Christmas is the 26th this year and I'm leading part of the service at my church (Unitarian Universalist) - I want to explain about the traditions around the Wren boys and such, and I am looking for more info. I've already pulled out the info from the 2 previous threads on the wren song(s).

I'm really looking for the reason people believe the tradition started and/or what it means today - is it still done quite a lot, what parts of Ireland observe the tradition (I've heard primarily the south-west, but the Clancy Brothers said they used to do it as well in Co. Tipperary). Someone also said it's done on Man as well. Also, what does the wren in the holly display the boys carry with them look like in general. There's a black & white photo in the Clancy Bros. & Tommy Makem Songbook but it's not terribly clear. I'd like to have something to show the congregation (I found a nice little life-size wren ornament - nice bit of luck, that.)

Any help would be appreciated - especially stories from those of you who have personally experienced or can share your parents, etc. experiences.

Thank you in advance

pax yall
