The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82148   Message #1503992
Posted By: Azizi
18-Jun-05 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: happy? - June 18 (The Plains of Waterloo)
Subject: RE: happy? - June 18
"A petticoat is an article of clothing for women; specifically an undergarment to be worn under a skirt or dress. The petticoat is a separate garment hanging from the waist . The practice of wearing petticoats was well established by 1585. Its uses differ from place to place. In India, petticoats are worn underneath a long drapable saree."

For more fashion descriptions, click Fashion Glossary

But provides this information:


1. A woman's underskirt.
2. historical
Skirts in general, or those worn by boys in early childhood in particular.
Form: petticoats
3. Said eg of organizations, tactics, etc: relating to or lead by women; feminine or female.

Example: petticoat government
Etymology: 15c: from petty adj 1 + coat.