The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81956   Message #1504038
Posted By: susu
19-Jun-05 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: For Real. I quit
Subject: RE: BS: For Real. I quit
CarolC posted:

"You have never experienced the death of a child, nor do you have any obvious physical handicaps or long-term life threatening illnesses. In fact, from what I saw when I met you, you looked to be one very fortunate individual. So I wouldn't expect you do know how it feels to be in the shoes of the people he did hurt."

Good God WOMAN! WE HAVE ALL HAD TRAGEDIES IN OUR LIVES! That is life. So sad that you get offended so easily, especially if you KNOW that someone is trying to get a rise out of you. Maybe it is just your pathetic way of getting attention. As we say in Texas, BLESS YOUR HEART! Then you post...

"GUEST, bleachers, I don't think it's productive to automatically assume someone is trolling just because they have flamed me a few times. Maybe Clinton is genuinely angry with me. Maybe he's just an asshole. Who knows? But maybe he really is trolling. So I have to give him a chance to show me what he is really doing before I determine that he is trolling. And then once I have done that, I can adjust my posts accordingly. It's pretty obvious to me at this point that he is trolling (or maybe he's just an asshole). Either way, I have been ignoring him since my last post to him on 16 Jun 05 - 04:00 PM (that was yesterday afternoon)."

So let me get this can ignore Clinton but MG you can't?

As for this comment to Hubby...
"One of the few exceptions to that is my argument with Joe on this thread, which is none of your business. I have met Joe, more than once, in person, I have played music with him, and until this thread, I counted him as a friend."

Why did you feel it necessary to state, "which is none of your business" do you think that adds more weight to your comment? Do you think anyone really cares? Evidently you chose to make it his business.

So I suggest that you get some consistency and either always post to those who offend you or ignore them, but either way… QUIT WHINING! IT IS GETTING OLD! I don't care if you have been a member for several years, whereas Hubby and I have been here for a couple of months, BIG DEAL!


P.S. Say whatever vile thing you can come up with, I promise I won't get offended.