The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81920   Message #1504194
Posted By: breezy
19-Jun-05 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Joe Scurfield (Old Rope String Band)
Subject: RE: Obit: Joe Scurfield (Old Rope String Band)
After watching them play in Cornwall, I managed to pester the local organiser at the time to book em for St Albans, I think they played the city twice.

For what its worth, they did have and probably still do, videos of their shows. My friend and I bought one when they last played St Albans. She was as impressed as the rest of us and those of us that saw thier shows have been left in no doubt about their show,anship and originality.

a calibre act of Royal Command performance standards

The sad news has not reached evryone's ears.