The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16247   Message #150493
Posted By: gunner
16-Dec-99 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: the age spread thing
Subject: the age spread thing
in the "how old is a mudcat" thread a couple of people commented that there was a sort of statistical "bump" around the 40 to 60 age group among mudcatters, i'm 63 and as i was growing up way back in the stone age (40s and 50s)a lot of the old songs were still pretty much "common currency" not formally performed but hummed, whistled snd sometimes even sung just because people did know them and made "happy noises" with them when they were feeling good. (see "lazarus long" and the "pawnshop song" in robert heinlein's "time enough for love") i still do it myself at times though my tastes in music runs a bit to the bawdy. any one else care to comment?