The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82056   Message #1505444
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
20-Jun-05 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
Subject: RE: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
That's the point, GUEST.

The West has the power to make them debt free, and control their governments to ensure that the money is used for the betterment of their lot.

Without that, they cannot ever be debt free because they don't have sufficient Gross National Product to service the interest on that money, let alone pay off the capital.

Let's face fact. That money can't, and won't, be repaid. So why not make a virtue of necessity, and use the carrot to make the donkey go, while holding the stick of re-instatement to ensure his progress in the right (i.e. moral, and ethical) direction.

I don't see a flaw in the reasoning. If you do, I would consider it a kindness if you would point it out for me.

Don T.