The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82056   Message #1505456
Posted By: GUEST
20-Jun-05 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
Subject: RE: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf
No I don't think the recent elections will see much in the line of change Guest. There has to be outside intervention from the developed world which is more than throwing a few deliveries of food at the problem and walking away. Don what you have come up with could work, excellent idea. Is any one out there in a position to put Don's idea to someone in a position of power ? If so please get moving.

Don I was thinking about this post. It infers (to me) that nobody in those affected countries have already thought of the longterm planning necessary. They may need their debts written off, but I think it is presumptious of us to think they also need us to think for them.

I hope this agreement re the debts will signal the new start needed to get these countries into the 21st century. I also hope their elected politicians show the integrity to make that succeed.