The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82234 Message #1505605
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jun-05 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: An old matress and talk with the Devil..
Subject: BS: An old matress and talk with the Devil..
Well, well, well...
Toady was just one of them days when the Devil scored a few points... He didn't win but...
Oh, I'm ahead of myself allready....
So I had a truck full of stuff to go to the landfill an' tied down on top of camper shell was an old matress that me and the P-Vine had decided wasn't worth moving down to our new place in Luray...
So, I was drivin' north on Mission Holler Road when I look in the mirror and see the ol' matress has broke the rope tiein' it down an' has now flopped off the truck onto the side of the road...
Now this is where the Devil comes in...
Ya see, it was 'bout a 1/4 of a mile before the next place was where I could go back an' get it an in the time it took to drive that quarter mile me and the Devil has us quite a wrestlin' match that went somethin' like this:
Devil: "Yo, Bobert. The matress ain't in the middle of the road 'er nuthin'. Hey, jus leave it there..."
Bobert thinks, "Hmmmmmm? Nah..."
Devil: " Hey, look, pal. No one saw the matress fall off yer truck. Yer in the clear..."
Bobert thinks, "Hmmmmmm? Nah..."
Devil: "Like how nmany matresses have you seen on the side of the road in yer life? Hundreds. It's the American way..."
Bobert thinks, "Hmmmmmm?..." (No nah...)
Devil: "That's right, Bobert... The world is full of ol' matresses on the sides of the road. What's just one more?"
Bobert thinks "Yeah, I'm just doin' what any good American would do. Hey, no one saw it come of the truck!!!..."
Devil: "Good, Bobert, good..."
Well, about the time that the Devil thought He'd convinced me that it was okay to leave the matress on on the road that turn-around come up on Mission Holler Road an' without another thought I pulled over, turned around an' went back fir that danged ol' matress...
Now I'm not too sure why I think this is worth a thread an', truth be known, it prolly ain't... But, hey, I don't reckon that anyone can come along an' say, "We all ready did that one..."
So, what the hey???
p.s. Ahhhhh, jus' fir the record, this ain't 'sposed to be no religion thread so leave that horse in the barn, thankee...