The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82131   Message #1505692
Posted By: DougR
21-Jun-05 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Close Gitmo?
Subject: RE: BS: Close Gitmo?
heric: I simply don't know. I think that we are faced with a situation that no other government has been faced with before. Previously, the enemy was a part of organized, recognized governments. Terrorism is a different set of circumstances. That's why I suspect that the handling of internees in Gitmo has been so slow. The government has a "hot potato" on it's hands and is not quite sure how to handle it. Before Bobert, Amos, Donuel, and a million other Mudcatters jump on that statement as possible capitulation, however, I don't think the Democrats would know how to handle it either. :>)
