The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82131   Message #1505970
Posted By: John P
21-Jun-05 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Close Gitmo?
Subject: RE: BS: Close Gitmo?
What a bunch of torturers. The reason to shut the prison down is that it has been used to torture people. We have been breaking international laws, the laws of common decency, and God's laws. Everyone in world knows it, except for a few Republicans who think it's a good idea and so pretend it's not torture.

Who's evil enough to be in favor of torture here? Who willing to pretend to enough ignorance and stupidity to say we've not been torturing prisoners? Stand up and be counted, so we'll all know who to stay away from.

DougR, do you think we've been torturing people? Do you think it's a good idea?
Susu's Hubby, do you think we've been torturing people? Do you think it's a good idea?
Troll, do you think we've been torturing people? Do you think it's a good idea?

Do any of you really think that if George Bush wanted the torture to stop, there would have been any opportunity for "rogue" guards to torture people? Or are you saying that the leaders of our military are disastrously out of touch and not in control? Are you saying that the most powerful military machine in the world can't find competent professionals to guard and interrogate prisoners? If not, we have a big problem. If so, we have lying torturers at the helm. Which is it?

John Peekstok