The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81331   Message #1506172
Posted By: GUEST,UK gardener
21-Jun-05 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Thanks stilly but it isn't great, just cram packed. I didn't mention the dandelions in the lawn and the brambles tunneling under the fence and the berberis that had me in casualty last year.

There's also a pretty good sized bamboo swaying about. Bridal wreath hanging over the path and slowly browning, but it looked good a couple of weeks back. A gorgeous bronze cordyline aiming for heaven with two 'babies' coming out of the root.

Wild geranium everywhere, a bluey mauve, where there isn't something else. That all started from a cutting from an old lady who died this year, she would like to know it is still going strong.

A twisted willow in a pot that snaps off in high winds. A big green fleshy clump of oriental poppy that is going to burst forth magnificently later. A buzz bomb lily that only opened today, reddy orange, kind of sunset colours.

A white deutzia that is in full bloom now, next to a pale pink spirea ( i think). A massive butterly bush that will be honey scented and awash with dark purple flower later (black knight).

And honeysuckle that has gone crinkly at the edges and looks like it is giving up the ghost any time now. Oh and a fuschia that survived the winter against all odds, but isn't doing a great deal at the moment.