The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80645   Message #1506511
Posted By: GUEST,Victoria Moon Joyce
21-Jun-05 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: Why folk don't sing
Subject: RE: Why folk don't sing
Love the thread! Sorry about the wordy language - my original article was for an academic conference. But clearly, folks obviously figured out what I was on about ;) At least you've given me a good laugh and I take your criticisms of my writing style with kindness and appreciation.

The question of non-singing continues to be an issue and I'd love to hear more stories. I am deeply moved by what many have detailed here from their own lives.    Keep talking out there.

If I may add to the thread...
My friend and colleague Louise Pascale has helped me understand more about how 'singers' and 'non-singers' become divided as categories. She notes that we need to always bear in mind WHY it is that we choose to sing. Singing gives us so much and fulfills so many purposes in our lives and in the context of our humanness - as someone on this thread so eloquently put it.

Categories are not helpful - we don't need to be 'singers' to sing. But for many, we need the invitation, a safe enough space, and sometmes,the generous-hearted support to begin singing or to develop our singing. That's partly the point I was trying to make - we need to extend such invitations, create such spaces, and be the supporting friends... As Michele George of Toronto states: "We have to make singing irresistible."

As for the person who noted that anyone can sing if they get drunk enough. I couldn't agree more. Maybe I'll just go and have that beer right now!

Cheers, Moon Joyce Fredricton, New Brunswick