The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82288   Message #1506802
Posted By: *daylia*
22-Jun-05 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Music is EVERYTHING after all!
Subject: BS: Music is EVERYTHING after all!
Inspired by the philosophical discussion on another recent thread, I've come up with absolute philosophical, logical proof of something I've always highly suspected - EVERYTHING is Music!

You can prove it to yourself too! Just wrap those neurons around a little propositional logic...

First, if A is true, then the opposite of A cannot also be true, right? For instance, if it's true that "Michael Jackson is a alien", then it logically follows that "Michael Jackson is not a alien" must be false. OK - now we're ready to prove forevermore that everything is music, in just 5 easy steps!

1. The proposition "Everything is Music!" is either true or false.
2. If it's false, then it's opposite must be true.
3. The opposite of "everything" is "nothing", which give us the proposition "Nothing is Music!".
4. "Nothing is Music!" must be false, as music does exist. Everyone has heard it, if not produced it! This means the opposite proposition must be true.
5. Therefore, "Everything is Music" must be true!

See - I knew it! And now I'm off to fill my day with the sweetly logical sounds of ... EVERYTHING!   Oooooo .... I feel so ... so .... sated ....