The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82256   Message #1506831
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Coltman
22-Jun-05 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: Songs We're Too Cool To Sing
Subject: RE: Songs We're Too Cool To Sing
All the silly songs from camp, from A Is for Aardvark to Ye Cannae Push Yer Granny Off a Bus. I did the big turnaround and made a collection of the things, Baby Owlet, Itsy Bitsy, Floating Down the Delaware, Gopher Guts, Mister Moon Moon Moon, etc. etc. Wretched once, but now I love 'em.

Many of the Burl Ives "standards" from before we all discovered Authenticity. Some have already been mentioned. You know...Molly Malone...Blue Tail Fly...hundreds. The whole contents of the Burl Ives Songbook, Burl Ives Sea Songs, etc. And they're wonderful songs!

Spider John Koerner was one who early on said, Hey, these songs are great. Casey Jones...sing it. Cindy...sing it. Aunt Rhody...sing it. The Fox? Sure. (And better and slower than Nickel Creek, too.) That was liberating for me. I could reclaim what is, after all, our common folk heritage, even if ol' Burl did sing it to death.

I sing whatever song I like now, familiar or unheard-of, and I'm usually able to hear them all as if for the first time. (But then, some people would say I never did have any taste.)
