The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82256 Message #1506871
Posted By: GUEST,Gadaffi
22-Jun-05 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: Songs We're Too Cool To Sing
Subject: RE: Songs We're Too Cool To Sing
In the late 1970s/early 1980s, thanks to the Bracknell Folk Festival's (aka Handsome Mouldiwarp) policy of finishing the Saturday night with a 'Rough Music' session where each artiste had to do something 'they wouldn't normally do/have never done' in their act. Remarkable performances ensued.
Similar sorts of recitals were tried at local folk clubs. At Fleet, I recall Maggie Holland singing 'Streets of London', Rebecca Over performing 'Where Have All the Flowers Gone', with myself responding with Chuck Berry's 'My Ting-a-Ling'. Public decency and poor memory denies me passing on what other appalling ditties were performed that evening although I shall doubtless be racking my brain on the train home later today!