The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82288   Message #1507018
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
22-Jun-05 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Music is EVERYTHING after all!
Subject: RE: BS: Music is EVERYTHING after all!
Most if not all propositions can be read in different ways, and can be negatived in different ways.

The flaw in your negative statement, Daylia, is that you've given a broader negative than is called for. The correct negative or opposite would be that "Music is not everything."

And of course I have to point out that your statement that
First, if A is true, then the opposite of A cannot also be true
is not true in all philosophical systems. Indeed, the very concept of "the opposite" is not always meaningful. Merely inserting a negative in positive statement doesn't establish that the positive statement is a yes/no truth.

Schrodinger's cat is NOT "either in the box or not in the box".

Dave Oesterreich