The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82256   Message #1507147
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
22-Jun-05 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: Songs We're Too Cool To Sing
Subject: RE: Songs We're Too Cool To Sing
And there are songs that might be thought of in some situations as "cool" but are decidely un-cool in other situations. At the workshop, I did Lone Star Trail as close as I could to the original recording on the Folkways Anthology by Ken Maynard. Even though this was at a folk festival, singing very nasaly, and playing a simple, clunky guitar accompaniment for many folks was "un-cool." But, I just like the way that Ken Maynard sang it, and it was a song I'd originally learned in Grade School as a kid. Doubly un-cool.

That's why I did it..

And I still like doing it..

singing that song, that is..
