The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16241   Message #150719
Posted By: Sandy Paton
17-Dec-99 - 02:17 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Rose and the Lindsey-O
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Rose and the Lindsey-O
Andrew Rowan Summers recorded, with dulcimer, an Appalachian version (from the Cecil Sharp collection) of the "Cruel Brother" (Child #11) on a Folkways album, years ago. Refrain lines were "I-O, the lily gay" and "And the rose smells so sweet, I know." I've never heard the ballad sung with the "Doon by the greenwood sidey-O" refrain, which I always associated with the "Cruel Mother" (Child #20) instead. I guess I should go back to the first volume of Francis James Child's The English and Scottish Popular Ballads and look it up. But then, you could do that, too! Let us know what you discover.
