The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82305   Message #1507375
Posted By: Azizi
22-Jun-05 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Goatism - the one TRUE philosophy!
Subject: RE: BS: Goatism - the one TRUE philosophy!
One meaning of the pentacle is that it represents the 5 traditional manifestations of the Horned God - human, bull, ram, goat, stag.


Could "Goatism" be a code word for "Santeria"?

Esmeralda knows...

"Santeria is one of the many syncretic religions created in the New World. It is based on the West African religions brought to the new world by slaves imported to the Caribbean to work the sugar plantations. These slaves carried with them their own religious traditions, including a tradition of possession trance for communicating with the ancestors and deities, the use of animal sacrifice and the practice of sacred drumming and dance. Those slaves who landed in the Carribean, central and south America were nominally converted to Catholicism. However, they were able to preserve some of their traditions by fusing together various Dahomean, baKonga and Yoruban beliefs and rituals and by syncretizing these with elements from the surrounding Catholic culture. In Cuba this religious tradition has evolved into what we know today as SanterĂ­a, the Way of the Saints. Today hundreds of thousands of Americans participate in this ancient religion. Some are fully committed priests and priestesses, others are "godchildren" or members of a particular house-tradition, many are clients seeking help with their everyday problems. Many are of Hispanic and Caribbean descent but as the religion moves out of the inner cities an into the suburbs a growing number are of African-American and European-American heritage. As the Ifa religion of Africa was recreated in the Americas it was transformed, today as it moves moves into mainstream America we can expect further tranformation."


For more on Santerial, click HERE