The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16247   Message #150741
Posted By: AKS
17-Dec-99 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: the age spread thing
Subject: RE: the age spread thing
What, is there someone suggesting that it would be possible to live without humming, whistling, singing ...???!!

It took years until I realized that there really are people who don't sing at all, except perhaps hymns in church or religious gatherings. My mother used to sing or hum a lot - I think she still does at her 75s - when involved at any kind of work. My father (my parents are 'retired farmers' now) did ad lib whistling when working, he isn't as much musically inclined, even though he earlier played mandolin.

So that's how I also became and it really is hard for me to imagine meself living silently without any music either ringing in mind or coming out of me (that is, if I'm not listening to something, then I sing along). Weird? Maybe, but I can not help it.

regs Arto K Sallinen, not spread yet at 46 Joensuu, Finland