The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81228   Message #1507754
Posted By: GUEST,Rob Wright
23-Jun-05 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: Four Fools Festival - don't miss it!
Subject: RE: Four Fools Festival - don't miss it!
Now that Anne Taggart has finished her studies the duo Taggart and Wright are on the prowl again looking for bookings. They will be at Four Fools on Saturday touting for business so beware of these bad attitude women. Do not be fooled by their angelic voices their toungues are razor sharp.
Go to and you will see what I mean.
The only way to appease them is to book them for your club or festival applaud loudly when they sing and laugh at their jokes. If not their Roadie was TWICE World Powerlifting Masters Champion. A formidable team!
The applause usualy happens naturally!