The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80645   Message #1507989
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
23-Jun-05 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Why folk don't sing
Subject: RE: Why folk don't sing
Sherherdlass, I hope you're right.

It's true I'm pessimistic. Here's a true story. My husband joined a co-worker and her young daughter (age 7) one Sunday for brunch and a movie. This involved riding together from their house to the restaurant, from the r. to the movie, and from the movie back to their house.

During that period of a 3-4 hours, the mother spoke to the kid only 4 times, never saying anything important or affectionate. Most of the time, the kid was listening to something on headphones. The mother was often on her cell phone.

I gather this is the norm among his co-workers. Aaargh!

Recently I rode 150 miles with a man and his teenage son, and they didn't exchange a single word. Quality time, anyone?
To people who want to sing better -- try singing along with recordings of professional singers (not opera or country) while doing the housework. I think the most characteristic the pro should have is the ability to carry a tune. If you are a bass, sing along with a bass, etc.

Here are some pro's I think would be good for this:

Harry Belafonte
Johnny Mathis
Judy Collins

Sorry I can't think of any more right now. Any suggestions?